Flags for the Ruins

an ongoing series of weavings for a utopian future

Do Not Mutilate

2017, 2023
letterpress, poetry, data cards, handwoven fabric
series of 14, each 12 x 8 inches

Time Travel

fiber reactive dye, cotton, acrylic, pencil
72 x 40 inches

As Hurricane Michael reached our beaches, I was throwing the first few picks of dye-coded yarn for this weaving. My loom was festive—decked in battery-operated Christmas lights. I squinted to align the weft while outside, wind skinned the trees. I didn’t yet realize that I had been foolish to wait it out. Stubbornly, I thought about seashells and making up for lost hours. About fossil ruins, the non-human, scalloped and bleached by time. I was thinking about exoskeletons while making cloth. About the limits of vision. How a soft object can out-survive hard armor. I thought about my skin and the shuddering building I was in. I was preoccupied with what to leave behind, and whether the weather would erase us for good.

How How Much

glitch woven cotten, acrylic, gesso on found fabric
24 x 32 inches

We Am

doubleweave series

Wait Nation

a series of hand woven flags